The King James Version Bible (KJV) was authorized by King James I and is sometimes referred to as the “Authorized Version”. It was translated by the Church of England and was first published in 1611.
The KJV New Te
The King James Version Bible (KJV) was authorized by King James I and is sometimes referred to as the “Authorized Version”. It was translated by the Church of England and was first published in 1611.
The KJV New Testament was translated from the Textus Receptus. However, the majority of the book of Revelation seems to have been translated from the Latin Vulgate. The KJV Old Testament was translated from the Masoretic Hebrew text, and the Apocrypha was translated from the Greek Septuagint.
Several versions of the King James Bible (KJV) were produced in 1611,1629, 1638, 1762, and 1769. The 1769 edition is most commonly cited as the King James Version (KJV).
You can browse the KJV Bible verses by using the chapters listed below, or use our Bible search feature at the top of this page.
You may also be interested in the Stong’s KJV Bible Concordance which is the most complete, easy-to-use, and understandable concordance for studying the original languages of the Bible.