15 All flesh would perish together, And man would return to dust.
16 "If you have understanding, hear this; Listen to the sound of my words:
17 Should one who hates justice govern? Will you condemn Him who is most just?
18 Is it fitting to say to a king, 'You are worthless,' And to nobles, 'You are wicked'?
19 Yet He is not partial to princes, Nor does He regard the rich more than the poor; For they are all the work of His hands.
20 In a moment they die, in the middle of the night; The people are shaken and pass away; The mighty are taken away without a hand.
21 "For His eyes are on the ways of man, And He sees all his steps.
22 There is no darkness nor shadow of death Where the workers of iniquity may hide themselves.
23 For He need not further consider a man, That he should go before God in judgment.
24 He breaks in pieces mighty men without inquiry, And sets others in their place.
25 Therefore he knows their works; He overthrows them in the night, And they are crushed.

Otras traducciones de Job 34:15

La Biblia de las Américas (Español) BLA

Job 34:15 toda carne a una perecería, y el hombre volvería al polvo.

English Standard Version ESV

15 all flesh would perish together, and man would 1return to dust.

La Biblia del Jubileo 2000 JBS

15 toda carne perecería juntamente, y el hombre se tornaría en polvo

King James Version KJV

15 All flesh shall perish together, and man shall turn again unto dust.

Nueva Traducción Viviente NTV

Job 34:15 todos los seres vivientes dejarían de existir
y la humanidad volvería al polvo.

Nueva Versión Internacional NVI

15 todo el género humano perecería,¡la humanidad entera volvería a ser polvo!

La Biblia Reina-Valera (Español) RVR

15 Toda carne perecería juntamente, Y el hombre se tornaría en polvo.

Sagradas Escrituras (1569) (Español) SEV

15 toda carne perecería juntamente, y el hombre se tornaría en polvo.
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